a green smoothie that doesn’t suck

This month I’m keen on green and if I can’t get my fix from grassy fields and leaves on trees (you know, because snow), I’ll have to get creative. From Mint Mojito nails to frothy green shakes, I’m loading up on green stuff where ever I can (yes, that includes McDonald’s Shammy Shakes. There’s always next month to start a real diet) and channeling some seriously positive spring time vibes.

After far too many failed attempts, I finally found a green smoothie that surprisingly tastes nothing like a liquified version of my grandmothers vegetable garden (dirt included). Better yet, it’s my own concoction so you’re not finding it anywhere else but here (maybe).

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 cups partially chopped kale (no stems)
  • 1 serving vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1 banana frozen or fresh
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened Almond milk
  • 1/4 cup (handful or more) frozen pineapple
  • Scoop of honey fresh from the farm

Blend it all up, pour it a mason jar, store it in the fridge overnight and enjoy in the AM as desired! I had a little bit before my morning ride for a quick boost of energy and saved the rest for afterwords to enjoy at my desk. It’s certainly no Shamrock Shake, but it’s a close second. Yes, that’s right, I’m saying I’d much rather be drinking a Shammy for breakfast, is anyone surprised?

Happy March people, spring will be here before we know it, hang in there!